Thursday, October 31, 2013

Sports Teams Vs. Native Americans

Over the years, there has been much controversy surrounding American sports teams who use Native American names and mascots. This controversy has been occurring since the 1940s when many sports teams began adopting Native American symbols. Many fans and players see the names as a way of paying homage to the Native Americans, but many Native Americans feel that these names and mascots are very offensive and disrespectful. According to articles written by Native American authors, these offensive and derogatory team names have been used to insult them in the past. It is often debated whether or not the offensive names of these sports teams should be changed. I do not believe it is ethical to use these team names, especially when many Native Americans find these names racist. If more people knew about the history and amount of suffering Native Americans have endured, maybe they would be less willing to support teams which utilize these
insulting names.

The Florida State Seminoles, Atlanta Braves, and especially the Washington "Redskins" names have offended Native Americans altogether. Suzan Shown Herjo, a women who is determined to change the name and logo of the teams, shared a story about how she entered a store and was told no black “Redskins” were allowed. Imagine a racial term being thrown at you and no one thought anything was wrong with being called out your name. That would not feel good would it? If a NFL team was called “DC Niggas” it would be a big worry and there would be no problem changing it. The R-word is just as equal to the N-word. Why are we paying little attention to the Native Americans being disgraced? Why does it have to be so difficult for the Native American people to defend themselves as human beings? All ethnicities should be treated equally in this case.

Along with the racial slang being used by sports teams’ they portray the Native Americans with stereotypical actions. Many of them have struggled to do away with these stereotypes, but with the encouragement of these teams and everyone who supported it will cause them to have to go a long way. Atlanta braves, a baseball team, performs an “Indian Call,” each time a point is scored. This mocks the Native Americans making them sound as if they are barbarians. Children grow up not thinking anything is wrong with this. Just as racism was taught many years ago it is being taught in a different form and a select few can notice.

It is somewhat understandable that there is a lot of history and hard wins behind this racial slur, but it is still unacceptable to wear this name on a jersey in front of millions. The decision of the owner Daniel Snyder not to change the name of Washington Redskins shows the prejudice and discrimination his team is promoting.  This battle is continuing to become more and more furious as tribe leaders come across this coach to argue for mainly their heritage and dignity. The controversy is traveling through the country and recruiting more supporters everyday.

In this messed up society who knows who is going to win this battle. Will it be the racist non-caring coach or the troubled Native American that has been dishonored. At the end of the day all the coach really cares about is the money the team is bringing in, so what is the real importance of the name. The history will still remain the same and will be remembered even more in an honorable way without the racist name. 

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